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Pretty Houses Wholesale: 26 Ways to Buy a Pretty
House Below Market Value

You can be my personal JV partner
and make 50% on every e-book sold
through your affiliate link!

26 Ways affiliates earn a full 50% commission! And, unlike other affiliate programs, you won't have to wait until the end of the month, or until your commissions reach a certain level, before you get your money!

Sick of useless "banner click through" affiliate programs where you rarely see any revenue generated? If you are searching for a REAL way to make real money online, the '26 Ways' partner program is for you!

The '26 Ways' affiliate program allows you to sell our acclaimed publication from your website, by email, or offline, and there are no fulfillment hassles. The ebook is available for download to the customers PC immediately after purchase.

Your commissions will be transferred directly into your PayPal account every Friday, no matter how small or large your commissions are.

No commissions limit!
We pay our affiliates weekly - and there is no minimum payout limit like most affiliate programs. Why wait until you have generated over $50.00 in commissions to get paid? The '26 Ways' partner program pays you weekly - even if you've made only ONE SALE!!!

Our affiliate program is FREE to join, and you can instantly generate an ongoing stream of income without any cost or obligation on your part. You don't even need a web site!

This program is simple, profitable and helps you make more money online. It's easy to start your '26 Ways' affiliate earnings:

STEP #1) (if you already have a PayPal account, skip to step #2.) Sign up for a free PayPal account by clicking here. (Link will open in a new browser window.) Create a Business account, and select the "Alternate form of payment" option. This allows us to transfer your commissions directly to you, safely and securely.

STEP #2) Once you are registered with PayPal, click here to enter your PayPal e-mail address into the PayLoadz affiliate code generator and get your '26 Ways' affiliate codes. (Use the "Option #1: Jump Page" text link code).

STEP #3) Insert this link code into your web page - or, if you prefer not to build a web page, use it in your emails or forum posting signatures.

That's it! Welcome to the '26 Ways' Affiliate Program! Your free promotional training course, with resources, is shown below.

(If you'd like to disguise your links to make them shorter and less complicated, here's some great software that will do that for you):

MyLinkGuard software box
Download this FREE Tool *Immediately* and Instantly Increase Your Sales by over 900%.

This software will protect your affiliate links and make them look 100 times more professional.

The Result - Testing has shown that you can make up to 9X more sales by using it!

We have made a special deal with Richard Legg to get it for you at No Cost. You save $147!


Free Mini-Course -- Promoting Your Link:

1) First, click here and set up a free email address for yourself. Once you start actively promoting online, you'll get a lot of confirmation requests, counteroffers, and just plain spam in your email box. You don't want this stuff cluttering up your main email - so use this free address in all your promotions.

2) Here are some ads that have proven effective at pulling interest to the "26 Ways" sales page. Use them, or create your own. Remember to insert your affiliate link and test it before you start promoting!

Classified Ads Solo Ads Graphics

3) Promote your new affiliate link everywhere you can. Use free advertising methods if you're on a small budget. Start with press releases to offline and online publications. Write informative articles and send them to online newsletters and directories (see resource links in step 8).

4) Participate in forums, mailing lists, and newsgroups. Place ads on free classified sites, announcement sites, and book promotion sites.

5) Trade links with other sites. If you happen to be a web site developer, set up CGI programs and create your own Search Engines, Free-For-All Links sites, Forums, and more on your sites to generate leads for your mailing list.

6) Work with others to produce a consistent level of traffic. Use ezine advertising, ad swaps, and joint ventures.

7) Once you're in profit, reinvest some of it and expand your marketing to paid advertising sources such as pay per click, ezine ads, direct mail, newspaper classifieds, postcards, business cards, magazines, coupon mailers, and finally radio and TV. By making your business fund itself, you can build financial freedom while remaining debt-free.

8) Here are some fabulous places to start posting your link online. Follow this list, and start promoting your link with a never-ending selection of sites and tools. Most are FREE, and all are worth your while.

Promotional Tools and Sites

Forums and Discussion Groups

Search Engines & Directories

*Note: We hold our affiliates to a strict advertising standard. We do not accept promotion through Spam or any other kind of unsolicited email advertisement, and any affiliate found promoting us using these methods will be promptly removed. If something is illegal or deceptive, do not use it to promote our program.

BONUS!! Become a Master Affiliate! Download your free, FULL LENGTH course (in pdf format) by clicking here.

Every time a sale is made through your link, you will earn a 50% commission. You will be notified immediately by email, and your commissions will be automatically tracked through your link - ensuring you get proper credit for sales you generate. Commissions are sent directly to your PayPal account every week. (Be sure to read the terms and conditions page. By reselling my book, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.)

Remember, the big money goes to marketers who promote with consistency and persistency. If you promote for two hours a day for thirty days, you will earn far more than someone who promotes six or eight hours a day once a month.

Thank you for joining our affiliate program. I look forward to a successful, and mutually profitable, partnership with you!

Go Forth and Prosper,

Lance T. Walker , Author


P.S. Statistics say that some affiliates make lots of money, while others never really get going. If you're serious about making big money - or even earning your living - online, here are two additional resources you're going to love having in your arsenal. I've purchased a lot of marketing materials online, and these two get my highest personal recommendation:

Read the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earns 400,000+ per year ... selling other people's stuff online! Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net. To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here.

Reach over 1000 Advertising Networks, 2,500,000 Websites and Engines, and 185,000 targeted Ezine Members across the net - day after day - automatically! Just type your ad on your browser, click 'Send', and you're done. This one's a definite must-have. Get Yours

SkyVault™ Multimedia Publishing
7028 W. Waters Ave, #138
Tampa, FL 33634
Fax: (813) 283-1193

Wealth Building Made Easy




The Book | Order Now! | Make Money | Press Room


© 2008 SkyVault™ Multimedia Publishing
7028 W. Waters Ave #138
Tampa, FL 33634

The SkyVault™ Group, LLC and its subsidiaries provide resources for educational purposes. They do not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice.
The SkyVault™ Group, LLC also disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members,
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