New-media Firm Creates Income Opportunity for Freelance Marketers
publisher announces profit sharing promotion program
Tampa, FL -
August 4, 2008 - SkyVault Multimedia Publishing,
one of America's most forward-thinking booksellers, today
announced the formation of a joint venture partnership program
that will help marketers generate significant incomes while
requiring absolutely no cash outlay on their part.
"This program is
specially intended for work-at-home moms,
people seeking to supplement their current incomes, or those
who may find themselves between jobs", said Lance T. Walker,
Managing Director of SkyVault Multimedia Publishing. "So
many people are struggling in today's economic climate, and
this is a way that we can help by providing real opportunity
and rewarding their efforts by sharing the profits with those
who help make us successful."
The SkyVault reseller
program allows individuals to promote
books, ebooks, audio books, and other information products
in the self-help, personal development, and wealth-building
niches. The publisher provides the marketer with a web site,
promotional ads, and online training - all at no cost. Each
sale results in a full 50% commission for the marketing
partner. All credit card processing fees and web site fees
are paid for by the publisher.
The first product offered
through the system, is a real
estate-related resource entitled "Pretty Houses Wholesale;
26 Ways to Buy a Pretty House Below Market Value" (online at
www.prettyhouseswholesale.com). This publication reveals
dozens of ways to purchase properties, in move-in condition,
for literally pennies on the dollar - often without the use
of banks.
In an atmosphere of falling
home prices, the publisher
believes the ability to buy below market value is critical
to the success of anyone intending to make money in real
estate. And yet, most investors pay more for a property than
they should, simply because they don't know where to find
people who will gladly sell them nice houses for much less
than the property is actually worth.
"Products like '26
Ways' demonstrate the incredible ability
of today's technology to improve people's lives", says
SkyVault Marketing Director Victoria Stewart. "We realize
that by helping our marketing partners succeed today, we are
literally creating business partners for other projects
tomorrow. And we believe the best way to do that is by
stimulating their will to win, then providing them with
cutting-edge, real world tools that facilitate the process
of making their dreams happen."
SkyVault Multimedia
Publishing welcomes entrepreneurs,
professionals, homeworkers, and students to participate in
this groundbreaking program. Those interested are encouraged
to learn more and sign up by visiting the web site,
www.skyvaultpublishing.com/dreamshappen.html .
Lance T. Walker, Managing
SkyVault™ Multimedia Publishing Group
7028 W. Waters Ave., #138
Tampa, FL 33634
Email: admin@skyvaultpublishing.com
Web: www.skyvaultpublishing.com
Phone: (813) 283-1193
Fax: (425) 699-4836
Photo Link: www.skyvaultpublishing.com/Graphics/LTWblk2a.jpg